Did you ever get complaints from your friends that you were sending them a lot of Spam e-mails, when you actually didn't? I did. Did you ever get Spam e-mails addressed to 'you' by 'you'? I did. If you did, what did you do? I simply ignored those complaints and e-mails. I ignored them for so long, until one day, when I got a phone call from Neeraj. He said "Sai, check your inbox." I did and there, I found a new e-mail addressed to 'me by 'me'. I opened it and in there, he wrote something (personal :P), that made me sure, that this is his work. The next day, when Neeraj did show me how the heck did he manage to do that, I grinned, the things revolving around in my head were those complaints and those Spam e-mails. 

The following is a 'How to' article by Neeraj, elucidating the process of sending an e-mail to anyone using any random e-mail ID.
